Dual Manufacturing manufactures USA Standard mesh sieves of many different sizes and that are made of brass, Metric Frame sieves, Market-Grade sieves, Perforated Plate sieves, Soil Analysis sieves, Polycarbonate sieve sets, Rocker Type Field Testing sieves, Two Part Test sieves and Sieve Extender Rings (just to name a few). Your project may require a completely unique sieve solution, and that is where our custom-made sieve services is available to you. As our specialty is round sieves (utilized in testing applications for use in the medical industry, aerospace industry, breweries & microbreweries, coffee industry and petroleum industries), Dual Manufacturing Co,. Inc. truly is your one-stop solution that provides long-lasting quality & high performance mesh sieves lab equipment.
Not all of our customers are highly trained certified engineers, and here at Dual Manufacturing Co., Inc., we understand that our customers may need assistance in choosing the right sieving lab equipment for their precipitates analysis.
Our customers have been our driving force (since 1942) for impeccable quality in our manufactured products and our strides of excellence with all aspects of service provided to our customers (including the absence of an answering machine!). Our employees are all long-term employed and are highly skilled in every single intricate detail of our company (which is family-owned) and manufacturing aspects.
~ The Right Mesh Matters ~
As with our mesh sieves, we also provide our customers with custom-made meshes if standard ones do not meet our customers’ expectations for performance and precision. The materials utilized for our meshes include perforated plate, stainless steel, brass, synthetics and nickel, and for alternate components we also incorporate aluminum, stainless steel and brass.
The openings size of the different types of mesh range (from 2 microns to 4.5” and wall thickness .035 - .040”) and the entire unit between 2.5” – 12” in diameter and all the way up to 8” in depth. All of our meshes and other manufactured equipment are tested extensively within a lab environment for extended durability, endurance and overall best quality. The option is available to you, to request our certificate of analysis with any of our products.
The meshes that we manufacture can be obtained by you in varieties of volume, from single units all the way up to 1,000 units. The staff at Dual Manufacturing Co., Inc. are here to provide you with exactly what you need for your industrial project...nothing more...nothing less.
Known for unsurpassed customer service, we will assist you in choosing and coupling the correct equipment that you require and aid you in obtaining any alternate equipment you may need to fulfill the demands of maintaining your equipment for future use.
You want results that are laboratory-precise (experiments, analytics and observation of precipitates and solvents), and we are the company that will provide you with the essentials to get you those results.
All USA Standard Sieves Dual Mfg Produces are sold as ASTM E11 Compliant Sieves and are supplied with a free certificate stating all relevant facts associated with “Compliant Sieves”. Please contact us for any questions or to speak to a sales representative.